minimal set of apps needed for Galaxy I9000 2.2 up

if you wanna save some disk space under /system, here is the list for reference and tested (by assuming deodexed stock apps used)WARNING: do it at your own risks!!!You are suggested to do a backup before removing/renaming the filesAccountAndSyncSettings.apkApplicationsProvider.apkAxT9IME.apk* <-- only if you have other input methodBadgeProvider.apkBluetooth.apkBluetoothOPP.apkBluetoothPBAP.apkBluetoothServices.apkBrowser.apk...

Galaxy S2 Quadrant - 1950?? (UPDATED)

with the power of dual processors, Galaxy S2 scored 1950 in quadrantgood enough? i don think so... although dual processors wont yield a double in performance actuallysource: www.phonearena....

simple way to avoid mixed english and chinese (or other languages) contacts

personally, i don prefer to sort chinese contacts by pinyin, so's a simple way to show chinese contacts after english one, although it's a bit trickyto do it, just add a chinese character of your choice (non-printable or chinese symbols) in front of the contact name in chinese,...

JPY sms sent time fix works in JS5

tested and confirmed it's working fine in I9000XWJS5. and it seems the sorting problem for immediate reply is solvedreference:let Android SMS messages show sent time instead of received t...

created an online storage account to share my files

you can now find my archieved files at (mainly for Samsung Galaxy S I9000 at the mome...

finally here's the Samsung Galaxy S2

previews of the Samsung Galaxy S2source: AndroidCentral source: Phandroid....

some reviews about my works

just found some articles/reviews talking about my sms mod and loop device mod. i am really appreciatedhere they are:hitting over 2700 in benchmarks with new fix (by – Show Sent Time For Galaxy S i9000 (by Brings You Custom Apps: See The Time Text Was Sent, and Stream TV (by香港版卡三爽?...

craziest result with 8020 IO marks and 2495 for total

just performed a few tests and the results are record breaking (my records for own mod)no overclock, stock cpu freque...

ykkfive's home created!!

Finally, I created my blog at 8 Feb 2011 2210HKTI will update it with my Android mods as well as some other stu...