Firefox 4 for Android is out

just a few days after the release of their RC, Firefox 4 for Android finally out!for general users, it may disappoint you coz it does not support flash. but for some other users like me, who don prefer auto loading flash movies, it doesnt matteralthough it stopped responding for the first run with 3 tabs opened, FF4 loaded and reloaded web pages a...

Firefox 4 release candidate for Android - Fennec

it's been released a few days ago. when compared with the previous beta version, which was quite good in feature wise but not performance wise, it is a "more complete version". some benchmarks also show that the performance of Fennec is better than the stock Android browsercheck it out at Mozilla official site for mob...

another official Gingerbread leaked I9000XXJVK

a new version leaked today together with a new JVK modem. the build date is 20 Marnoted that the original version comes with a Sbl (secondary boot loader), if u really wanna give it a try, grap one with Sbl removed on the ...

flash player 10.2 is available on Android Market

upgraded to 10.2 and played for a while, looked like it's a bit smootherbtw, i suggest u don try to read the certified devices on adobe, coz.... Samsung Galaxy S is not on the list!! :panyway, give it a t...

become red!! new color for Galaxy S I9000 in HK

i have heard that Samsung will launch a red I9000, and now, here it is (is it in pink actually?) source :

registered ykkfive.home as my Facebook Page username

thx a lot for those who gave me a "Like", thank you!

my landing page in Facebook moved to a new page

created a new page in facebook so that it's open to public now at

pre-order available for Samsung Galaxy S2

the Samsung Galaxy S2, is now available for pre-order at around US$910 (16GB version). however, sources claim that the release date will be delayed to 1st of May this year, with only the 16GB version will be available probablysource:

a better modem choice I9000XXJVE

installed jve modem (extracted from official ginger beta rom I9000XWJV1) to my 2.2.1 rom, i found that the signal is stronger then jpy. also, i got more satellities found even in indoors than before and the battery consumption is about the s...

fail to install apps? try this solution

when you download and install apps from the market, sometimes you will find that INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR in the log or "Application not installed" errorthey are usually SDCARD related problem, do this and reinstall your app and see if it helps:- unmount external sdcardgoto settings-> sd card and phone storage -> unmount sd cardif you can...

Google use backdoor to patch the malwares?

after malwares were found in the Android Market, Google is going to patch the affect devices "remotely", by installing some updates to your phone to clean up the device, and users do not need to do anything. so that means another backdoor?more i...

possible solution for the malwares affected Android phones

in short, if your phone is rooted, just create an empty file called profile under /system/bin/in adb shell, change to root user and then do the followings:touch /system/bin/profile; chmod 644 /system/bin/profilenotice that you may have to remount the /system partition as rw (with read/write permission) first by issuing the command:mount -o remount,rw...

malwares found in Android Market!!!

according to some of the developers, they found that, up to this moment, there are more then 50 apps containing malwares which can be found in the Android Market, including:Falling DownSuper Guitar SoloSuper History EraserPhoto EditorSuper Ringtone MakerSuper Sex PositionsHot Sexy VideosChess下坠滚球_FalldownHilton Sex SoundScreaming Sexy Japanese GirlsFalling...

official 2.3.2 Gingerbread beta I9000XWJV1 leaked

a beta 2.3.2 version XWJV1 (I9000XWJV1) is leaked, and reported to be running (most of the cases) except some apps# begin build properties# autogenerated by