reserved memory settings for Galaxy S I9000 in Gingerbread 2.3.3 (I9000XWJVB)

ok guys, time for tweaking the mem thing again. may be u have wondered about why there is no FIMC0/FIMC1/FIMC2 etc in the default config for 2.3.3 (me at least)... so, as usual, i started to take a look at thisfor those who have no idea where to change the reserved memory settings, take a look at arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/mach-aries.c and you will be delighted...

quadrant cpu 5508 with stock gingerbread 2.3.3 I9000XWJVB - becomes meaningless

flashed I9000XWJVB a few days ago and just ran a quadrant, cpu scored 5508. what?? 5508?? 4.x times of froyo's?personally, i treat it as an incorrect result. i always believe it is obtained by misinterpreting the individual results so that the base number is much smaller, and thus...

Gingerbread 2.3.3 upgrade aborted?

it is reported that Gingerbread upgrade has been pulled by Google. the mentioned rom, I9000XXJVK, which was available in UK via Kies, was pulled offbelow is an extract from the message posted by an administrator from Vodafone:Due to an issue with the Gingerbread update for the Samsung...

official Gingerbread I9000XWJVB 2.3.3 released for download and upgrade in Kies

finally Gingerbread I9000XWJVB, NEE, is available for Samsung Galaxy S I9000, you can download it from the internet or upgrade via Kies  build info:PDA I9000JVBPhone I9000JVKCSC I9000JV3Baseband is I9000XXJVKKernel version #2Build number...

my Samsung Galaxy S vs LG Optimus x2

recently, LG Optimus x2 has a new TV ad showing the phone takes only 4.6 seconds to load Yahoo HK main page. I surfed their website and found they have another claiming that it takes 7.6 seconds (average result via wifi) to load (Traditional Chinese version) and ready...

Samsung Galaxy S (2011 edition) comes with 1.4GHz processor

it's rumored that there will be a new member in the Galaxy S product line - the 2011 editionwith Gingerbread pre-installed, it equips with a 1.4GHz processor. the spec is about the same as the Galaxy S, except that HSPA+ 14.4Mbps support is added and the battery is a 1650mAh one. it should be arrived at the end of April and it will cost you around...