freeNANDmod - get more space from NAND - PART III

Since the day I understood how Galaxy S works with Android about a year ago, I always ask myself why it is designed like that. So I spent a few months to modify the systems to suit my own needs with tons of modifications. Although Samsung changed the system a bit in recent roms and rectified some problems like inadequate size for the /cache partition,...

Free more available disk space from NAND - PART II

As to change the partition layout of the nand disk, we have to create the pit file ourself for custom partitions size. The pit file can be obtained by compiling a C file containing the partition info. Below shows part of the s1_odin_20100512.c provided by coolya* /dev/block/stl1 - 6 omitted{ 0, 0, 0x06, 0x00, 0, 256, 30, "", "KERNEL", "zImage"},{...

Free more available disk space from NAND - PART I

The nand partitions layout in Samsung Galaxy S I9000 is controlled by a pit file (Partition Information Table), while for the mmc drive, it is hard coded in the init file.For example, in Samsung Galaxy S I9000, the stock partition tables for s1_odin_20100512.pit should look like this: NAND disk */dev/block/stl1 - stl6 omitted device name mount point...

getting bored with ur i9000 already? yet more to come!

hi all,i still have some more mods/tweaks not yet published. pls kindly give me some time to tidy them up and be patient. i also have to decide in what way to publish them since, as usual, i prefer not to release mods in a complete rom forma...

JVQ Browser lag quick fix

i'm too frustrated with samsung's stock browser since JP6, and the deodexed one from JVQ is totally rubbish. it's sooooo lag that i've to wait for 2 seconds after each scrollso, after studying some great posts in xda, i've modded a deodexed JVQ browser with all the lag things disappeared. now it just perform like what it used to be, u can scroll from...