switch to another modem version without recovery

This is actually part of my freeNANDmod for the Samsung Galaxy S I9000. However, I would like to introduce this trick to all Samsung Galaxy SII I9100 users too.The only difference is, for I9000, /dev/block/bml12 is used for holding the modem.bin file, while for I9100, it's /dev/block/mmcblk0p8.In order to do the trick, put a modem file somewhere, say...

my Samsung Galaxy SII I9100 mod - 1st attempt

UPDATE: my 2nd attempt with greater than 15000 IOno OC, no 2D/3D, total: 3975OC to 1.4, no 2D/3D, total: 4578looks go...

goodbye, my I9000...

I will not forget you!! with self-modded kernel and romtotal: 4189, IO: 11359total: 4238, IO: 10024and welcome, my new white Galaxy ...