Great deals for the end of year 2013 from Chinabuye!

SANEI G903 Dual Core 2G Phone Tablet PC w/ Allwinn... Regular Price : $ 119.99Special Price: $ 107.34 (10%off ) ...

RKM Fly mouse and mini keyboard combo MK706

RKM MK706 is wireless mini QWERTY keyboard & air Mouse Combo, with USB interface receiver.Overview MK706 is designed for controlling home entertainment center, e.g. Smart TVs, Android minipc and Android TV Boxes. It is mini multifunction...

Download latest Vroot version

Download latest Vroot version from here, here or here.- This requires a PC. - No CWM needed.- This installs a Chinese root manager rather than superuser or superSU. But I will teach you how to replace it below.- This tool can root also MTK6582 poweered devices, including...

Video: Fly mouse and mini keyboard combo RKM MK704 in action

As I told you before in this article, RKM MK704 is wireless mini QWERTY keyboard & air Mouse Combo, with USB interface receiver, made by Rikomagic company. Full tech specifications you'll find here. You can buy it from here for only USD 23.75 with 5% discount and free shipping....

RKM MK902, the best Android TV Box ever tested

With RKM MK902 TV Box the Multimedia experience becomes completeI just received these days the new TV Box from Rikomagic - MK902 model. If you don't know, this new arrival just passed successfully CE/ROHS/FCC certifications a couple of weeks ago. Only yesterday I managed to get it...

Harga Spesifikasi Asus VivoTab RT TF600T Review

Asus VivoTab RT TF600T. Dari segi desain, tiga model VivoTab Series serupa satu sama lain. Kerangka rancangan sangat baik, dengan finishing casing belakang dari aluminium. Dock Mobile menjadi pembeda VivoTab TF600T dari tablet lainnya. Dengan memasang Dock Mobile, pada dasarnya mengubah...

Apple iPhone 4 CDMA Spesifikasi Harga Review

Apple iPhone 4 CDMA. Dilihat dari desain, iPhone 4 CDMA nampak tak ada bedanya dengan iPhone 4 (GSM) yang lebih dulu dipasarkan. Hanya ada sedikit pembeda yang tak terlalu kentara, yakni iPhone 4 CDMA tidak dilengkapi slot micro SIM card, karena memang versi yang kami uji mengusung...