Samsung S3310 unlock done with Z3x box

Samsung S3310 unlock done with Z3x box

Samsung S3310 Model Image :

This tutorial tested by me in Samsung S3310 model and use Z3x box here all are put tutorial like success screen shot also processing code just remember for that tutorial you have must charged battery and in this tutorial i use special cable of rj45 not use usb cable remember that also so let's go how to read code in Samsung S3310 with Z3x box.

Required for Read code:

1. Samsung S3310 Model device with 80% battery charged
2. Z3x box
3. RJ45 Cable
4. Computer or Laptop


1. Connect Z3x box
2. Open Z3x Box Tool
3. Choose model of S3310
4. Also Set ComPort as you detect usb
5. Click on Read Info [Codes] button
6. Inset battery in device and Inset Rj45 cable in to device
7. Then Detect automatically broadcome
8. After Detect broadcome then Press Power button 2-3 seconds
9. You Device will go to Download Mode
10. See in Screen "UNFREEZE" that your Phone Lock code
11. You are done
Screen Shot :

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